Summer Reading
August 9, 2019 in Mental Health
by: Petra Najafee, Registered Psychotherapist
Summertime…. and the living is easy!
Summer is a time for sunshine, beaches, and time spent with family and friends. Things get pretty slow in my office during the summer. Life is good and no one wants to deal with their sh….tuff when they can be spending their time outside at the park. And I’m a big believer of the healing power of connecting with nature. But summer is also a great time to catch up on some reading. Maybe while sitting at the end of the dock? So I’ve put together a short reading list of books that have been helpful for me and my clients.
1) The Gifts of Imperfection—Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown
Perfection…always elusive, and yet as a society we spend so much time and energy trying to chase it, trying to be it. It makes life pretty hard. Brene Brown manages to bring light and humour to a discussion of vulnerability, worthiness, wholehearted living and the idea of letting go of perfection.
2) Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff is a self-compassion researcher (who knew such a thing existed?). For so many of my clients, the thing that blocks their healing is the lack of compassion for themselves. It’s hard to move forward when your self-talk keeps pushing you to the ground. This book can help you gently pick yourself up and take some steps forward.
3) The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems by Ronald D. Siegel
Sometimes my clients get skeptical when I bring up the idea of mindfulness because they have an image of sitting cross legged on the floor, eyes closed, mind blank and it feels too daunting. Mindfulness practice comes in many forms. In this book, Ron Siegel makes mindfulness practice accessible to even the most skeptical.
Well folks, there it is. Give one of these a try and see where it takes you. Let me know where it goes. And enjoy the rest of your summer!